Live Well, Eat Well
To ensure that our on-campus residents have uninterrupted access to vital diet and nutrition information, Carole Bartolotto, Registered Dietitian (RD), is available for consultation on the following days and times:
- Monday 3 pm-6 pm
- Thursday 11 am-1 pm
- Friday 4 pm-6 pm
Contact her via e-mail at AsktheRD@ha.ucla.edu to arrange an appointment.
Dining Services Nutrition Initiatives

Gluten-Free Pantry
UCLA Dining Services is pleased to offer the Gluten-Free Pantry to students with Celiac Disease, wheat allergy, and gluten intolerance.
A wide variety of gluten-free items are available to eligible students.

Wellness Meals
In 2014, UCLA joined 19 other college and university campuses across the nation to team up with Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) for the Healthier Campus Initiative to help make campuses healthier by adopting guidelines around nutrition, physical activity and programming.

Student Nutrition Awareness Campaign (SNAC)
The Student Nutrition Awareness Campaign (SNAC), provides information about nutrition and health via informational table tents on all dining tables in the residential restaurants.
To Gain Access to the Gluten-Free Pantry, Students Need to:
- Step 1: Request an accommodation to access the Gluten-Free Pantry through the Housing and Accommodations Board, administered through the Center for Accessible Education (CAE) by completing the Housing Accommodations Request Form.
- Step 2: Provide medical documentation to support your request. Your health care provider must complete the CAE’s Housing Accommodations Verification Form.
- Step 3: Submit the Housing Accommodation Verification Form, by bring it in person to the CAE, or by emailing or faxing it to:
- Housing/Parking Accommodations Coordinator
UCLA Center for Accessible Education
A255 Murphy Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1426
Main Line: (310) 825-1501
Fax: (310) 825-9656
- Housing/Parking Accommodations Coordinator
- Step 4: The CAE Housing Accommodations Board will review your request and documentation and notify you by email with their response.
For More Information
If you have additional questions about the process to access the Gluten-Free Pantry, please email the Housing Accommodations Coordinator at caehousing@saonet.ucla.edu or call (310) 825-1501.
If you need more information about gluten-free dining at UCLA, please contact the Nutrition Education Coordinator Carole Bartolotto, MA, RDN at (310) 206-3193 or cbartolotto@ha.ucla.edu.
Offering gluten-free options is a trend in colleges and universities across the country. UCLA’s Gluten-Free Pantry was highlighted in a Wall Street Journal article, “Gluten Danger Puts Schools to the Test.”

On September 8, 2014, UCLA joined 19 other college and university campuses across the nation to team up with Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) for the Healthier Campus Initiative. This initiative was developed in an effort to help make campuses healthier by adopting guidelines around nutrition, physical activity and programming. As part of our collaboration with PHA, we have created a variety of wellness meals which adhere to specific food group and nutrient profile criteria.
The following is our Wellness Meal Criteria. To see suggestions for a specific Residential Restaurant, please visit Wellness Sample Menus.
Food Profile (amounts are minimums):
- 2 oz whole grain rich grain (>50% whole grain) serving equivalent
- 1 cup fruit and/or vegetable serving equivalent
- 1 cup low-fat dairy serving equivalent or 1 oz lean meat/fish/poultry serving equivalent
Nutrient Profile:
- ≤ 400 calories
- ≤ 10% calories from saturated fat
- 0g artificial trans-fat
- ≤ 460mg sodium
Lunch & Dinner
Food Profile (amounts are minimums):
- 2 oz lean meat/fish/poultry serving equivalent
- 2 oz whole grain rich grain ( >50% whole grain) serving equivalent
- 1-3/4 cup fruit and/or vegetable serving equivalent
- 1 cup low-fat dairy serving equivalent
Nutrient Profile:
- ≤ 700 calories
- ≤ 10% calories from saturated fat
- 0g artificial trans-fat
- ≤ 800mg sodium
The Student Nutrition Awareness Campaign (SNAC), provides information about nutrition and health via informational table tents on all dining tables in the residential restaurants.

- Sugar 101
- Sugary Drinks
- Top 5 Reasons to Eat More Plant Foods
- Tips For Healthy Eating On The Go
- How To Eat To Stay Healthy
- You Can Help Fight Climate Change
- Choose Lower Impact Foods to Fight Climate Change
- Fight Climate Change with Food
- Common Questions About Plant Proteins
- Plant Protein vs Animal Protein…Which Wins? / How Much Protein Do You Need?
- Don’t Get Carried Away with Caffeine / How Much Caffeine Can You Safely Have Per Day?
UCLA Resources
Other Resources
General information
- The Nutrition Source
- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
- The American Heart Association
- ChooseMyPlate.gov
- Nutrition Data – Self.com
- Healthy Eating & Diet Center – WebMD.com
- Nutrition: Medline Plus – National Institutes of Health
- Sugar Science The Unsweetened Truth
- Center for Science in the Public Interest
- Food Politics
- New York Times Magazine: The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food